Wherein the pious and impious meet (Ch 2)
Guard duty consists of two parts. Vigilance, and routine. In better, perhaps mythical times, these values were instilled early in the career of anyone hoping to rise through the ranks of Tellyphill’s Shield. Some of the oldest men still thought the position held some honor. Most knew better. In truth, far from being the honorable backbone of the first city, Tellyphill’s Shield mostly served as a repository for bribes and backdoor dealings. If there was something you wanted hidden from the eye of either church or state, the Shield was a first port of call. This was one man’s perspective. Unsurprisingly, he was not a very happy man. His name was Chy, and his job had only just begun. After much consideration and delay, he had decided to convene a meeting of the Shield’s entire senior staff. He held no authority over them but whatever credence they chose to give him. In a way, is not all authority similarly derived? Chy was overflowing with confidence: he had the backing of the hea...